Cold Plunge


Do you seek out new ways to naturally elevate your health? 

The cold plunge! This is one of our favorites for bodily wellness. We set our plunge pool to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but there is also a water filtration system that moves around the water, making it feel colder, to rejuvenate your body from head to toe

What is Cold Water Therapy?

To break it down, cold water therapy is an immersion process where you allow your body to spend time in cold water that’s below 58 degrees Fahrenheit. This type of therapy activates the body’s natural healing abilities and helps relieve chronic illness — promoting better health and overall well-being. 

How does cold immersion work?

The main idea behind cold therapy is as follows. By willingly exposing our bodies to the stress of the cold, we can regulate our nervous system and learn how to better manage stress.

The human body’s response to the cold is similar to how we respond to other stressors in life. This includes reactions such as an elevated heart rate, feelings of panic, body contractions, and shallow breathing. Intentionally subjecting ourselves to distress helps us cope with stress better, and that’s precisely what makes cold immersion so impactful.

Cold exposure leads to a range of health benefits for the body’s immune, digestive, and circulatory systems. It taps into the body’s natural healing powers, activating the nervous system and hormones which can significantly change our physiology.

There are many ways to gain benefits from cold water therapy. But just like any other therapeutic technique, the magic is in the dose. If you’ve never practiced cold immersion before, it makes sense to start low and slow. 

Health Benefits of Cold Water Therapy

Click below to learn more about the science and benefits of cold water therapy